Where Your Money Goes

Your donation will help conserve Montana’s wild places and wide open spaces. Open land conservation requires the thoughtful work of dedicated professionals and visionary landowners. Your donation not only adds meaning to your wedding, it builds a legacy for generations to come.

Donations collected by Weddings for Open Land go directly into a fund managed by the Montana Association of Land Trusts.

Each year, funds are granted to the best land conservation projects submitted by qualified non-profit land trust conservation organizations. Projects eligible for funding must (a) demonstrate broad-based community support and (b) conserve open land. The Montana Association of Land Trust’s grant review panel evaluates proposals to determine which projects serve the public most significantly through the conservation of wildlife habitat, water quality, agricultural soils, recreational access and/or significant scenic views.

This open land conservation fund, also known as “Travelers for Open Land: A Fund to Conserve Montana’s Natural Horizons”, was created in 2009.

In 2015, funds from Weddings for Open Land supported five projects in partnership with the Montana Association of Land Trusts.


Two conservation easement totaling 671 acres on the well-known Darrow family properties near Bigfork in the Flathead Valley. The projects include conservation of the Swims Creek riparian area, wildlife winter range, forested habitat and private working agricultural lands. The projects also provide open land conservation and scenic views, including prominent ridge lines and hilltops. Lead organization: Flathead Land Trust.


A 120-acre conservation easement on the Reints Ranch in the Madison Valley. The property is comprised of wetlands, wildlife habitat and agricultural lands, that include Madison River and O’Dell Spring Creek frontage. The Madison River Foundation is a project partner, and the project is supported by Madison Valley businesses and conservation organizations. Lead organization: Montana Land Reliance.


A 960-acre conservation easement on the Toohey Farm near the Bridger Mountain foothills in the Gallatin Valley. Over 98 percent of the farm has soils designated as important by the Natural Resources Conservation Service. The property also provides elk winter range habitat, and contains wetlands and riparian areas associated with the East Gallatin River. The Toohey Farm project was completed in partnership with the Gallatin County Open Space program and the Natural Resource Conservation Service, and is the first Regional Conservation Partnership Project in Montana history. Lead organization: Gallatin Valley Land Trust.


A 3,000-acre conservation easement in the Canyon Creek area northwest of Helena. The property has public access managed by Fish Wildlife & Parks, has been in the same homestead family for generations, provides important habitat for a diverse array of wildlife, and the easement helps conserve riparian areas on two Helena Valley creeks. Project partners include other conservation groups and local government. Lead organization: Prickly Pear Land Trust.


A 467-acre conservation easement on the Weber Ranch near Corvallis in Ravalli County. The ranch is adjacent to the Calf Creek Wildlife Management Area and provides exceptional wildlife habitat for a range of species, from songbirds to large predators. Key partners in the project include the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Agricultural Land Easement program. Lead organization: Bitter Root Land Trust.

Help conserve Montana’s wild places and wide-open spaces.

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