Create an Open Land Wedding

There are two ways to have an #OpenLandWedding: you can create a registry where guests donate in place of traditional wedding gifts, or you can donate in lieu of favors to honor your guests… or you can register and donate. (Guess that makes three ways!) Help conserve Montana’s wild places and wide open spaces by selecting what fits your celebration.

You or Your Guests Have Donated, What's Next?

Each donor receives a handwritten thank-you note, in addition to online correspondence and formal tax receipt letter.

Whenever possible, each wedding’s donations will be allocated to a specific project in a region close to your heart. Once the project has been funded, you and your guests will receive a custom postcard with a photo and description of the project as a memento of the land you and your guests helped conserve.

Each winter, you and your guests (if they don’t opt out) will receive a fun, fact-filled e-newsletter describing all the projects that Weddings for Open Land has helped conserve that year.

See where your Money Goes